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Home / Blog / UCF essay as one of the steps for entering University of Central Florida

UCF essay as one of the steps for entering University of Central Florida

All the prospective university students know that they will probably be given the task to write an essay. Why a particular essay was chosen for this kind of a test? Of course, every university is fighting for the best and the most intelligent students and namely written essay can give professors a good impression of this or that applicant. An essay gives the possibility to take the measure of the future student, his writing skills and depth of knowledge. The University of Central Florida is not an exception and all its applicants are suggested to write an essay.

In parenthesis, it should be mentioned that the University of Central Florida is the second largest university in the US and it is extremely popular among students, because of its high level of educational programs and different study placements. UCF also accepts foreign students and now students from more than 145 countries are able to obtain education there.

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essay prompt for UCF

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UCF essay question

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UCF paper form

UCF essay – the first step on the road to your future

Usually, the applicants are suggested to choose two of the following topics for their essays:

  • If you have met any obstacles to progress in your personal or academic life, please, tell about them.
  • Why did you choose UCF?
  • How did your family, relatives, culture, and environment affect who you presently are and what impact did they have on you?
  • What features make you an interesting and unique person? Why UCF community should be happy to have you as a student?

Writing your responses, remember that the total length of your answers shouldn’t be longer than 7000 characters or 500 words. Don’t try to write a long essay. The longest doesn’t always mean the best one.

UCF essay. How to write it

The truth is that the administration of UCF doesn’t expect ‘essay’ in the usual sense of the word. It will be rather difficult to write something monumental within just 250 words through your answer should still be properly structured. So, the most important is to think well of the chosen question. A couple of sentences in the introduction part will be enough. The main body of your essay should be full of your personal thoughts and ideas. Try to avoid wandering from one point to another. All the suggested topics are too personal for common reasoning. Express yourself; don’t be shy to write what is in your mind. Moreover, always remember that such personal essays can’t be written by a pattern. Listen to your heart; let the words come from your soul.

UCF essay. The most frequent mistakes and how to avoid them

  • Grammatical errors and mistypes. Yes, these types of mistakes are the most common. Even if you think you are an educated person and know how to write without mistakes, don’t be lazy and check your essay several times. But don’t try to reread it three times in 5 minutes – your tired mind won’t be able to notice mistakes. Read your essay and do it again in a day or two.
  • The wrong question of choice. If you have never had any serious bumps on the road of your life, don’t choose this topic. Your problems with the cat or coffee machine don’t count.
  • Nonsense sincerity. When writing about your personal life there is no need to mention your illnesses, disabilities, losing virginity, etc. Be open and sincere but realize what should be interesting for the board. Don’t describe your crimes (if there are any) or personal disadvantages. Never give professors reasons for not liking you. It will be difficult to put in perspective a person you don’t like.
  • A trivial and boring essay. When writing your essay never forget who you are writing for. Your reader is an admission officer and be sure – plenty of essays were already read by him. Let us reveal a secret – if the beginning of an essay is too boring, it won’t be even read till the end. Try to capture your reader’s attention at once!
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